Volunteer & Training Opportunities – Join the VSS Team
Integral to providing direct services to victims in the State of Washington is Core Advocacy Training. This thirty hour training qualifies individuals to provide services at Crime Victim Assistance Centers. Victim Support Services (VSS) provides this essential training two or three times a year. Our core training is open to any staff, volunteer or Board member working on behalf of a Crime Victims Assistance Center in Washington State. Training covers a wide range of topics to include crisis intervention, the criminal and civil legal systems, cultural competency and victims’ rights. VSS is always looking for new volunteers who would like to give back to their community. Our Core trained volunteers provide direct services to victims of crime through the crisis line, courtroom support, facilitating support groups and participating in events especially for victims of crime. We also welcome volunteers who would prefer to use their skills in fundraising, special events or office support. Our next Core Advocacy training is scheduled for June 1-2 and 8-9. Participants must attend all four days of training to qualify to provide direct services. Training is being held in Everett. For VSS volunteers, the training is provided free of charge. Others who would like to attend will be charged a $50.00 fee for materials. If you are interested in attending the training please contact Julie Thomas, Community Outreach Coordinator, at [email protected] or by phone at 425.252.6081.