Margaret Hodsdon
Margaret (Maggie) Hodsdon
October 1,1975 to December 1991
My Sister-The Sister That I Will Always Miss
By Lucas King
In a way I was hoping that you were not so far away but now that you are so far away, I have one thing to say The one thing I will miss about you is the way your hair nlows in the wind. It is like the way you talk, like a whisper in the wind. The way you, never come to the end. But now that you’re at the end, my love for you, will never end.
The Way of My Sister’s Love
By Lucas King
My sister Maggie was like a bird I love. That bird was a dove, that had lots of love, and my sister had lots and lots of love. I guess she was like a sun. She is light and bright but my sister’s love was used and abused every single day/ My sister was slaved in more than one way, but I have one thing, one thing to say: I will never see you again, except in heaven.