King County Grant

Victim Support Services (VSS) has been selected by The Department of Community and Health Services (DCHS) to assist in identifying a holistic continuum of community-based alternatives that support the health and wellbeing of young people, and the safety of communities.

The project will consist of two separate groups, facilitated by VSS staff virtually over Zoom, to seek out input from those who have been directly impacted by juvenile criminal acts in King County.  The first group will be held on Wednesday, March 01, 2023, from 5pm-7pm PST. The second group will be held on Wednesday March 22, 2023, from 5pm – 7pm PST. Each group will have a maximum capacity of 25 participants, and all identifying information of participants will be protected.  In order to qualify, participants must be between 14 and 25 years old, and/or family members (no age requirement) who have been impacted by the juvenile criminal legal system in King County.

The objective of these sessions is to serve as “listening groups” whereby the group coordinators will facilitate structured dialogue, posing guiding questions for exploration and discussion among the participants. VSS facilitators will not be sharing personal or professional opinions during these sessions, nor are they intended to be support groups. The ultimate goal is to enhance and amplify the voices of victims in the juvenile criminal justice process, as well as to gain a comprehensive understanding of the ideas, suggestions, and concerns of victims/survivors regarding general needs as well as the victim experience of justice, and to provide a victim imprint on the juvenile criminal justice system within the larger context of societal harms and needs. 

VSS is accepting applications from interested participants via THIS LINK. VSS facilitators will screen each applicant to determine if there is a fit for participation in this project. Those who meet criteria will be provided a Zoom link for the group that they have been assigned to, with all pertinent information about how to access the group. Each participant will be incentivized for their assistance at the conclusion of the assigned group session, with a $50 Amazon gift card.

For questions, please reach out to [email protected].