Fall Fundraiser
We want to thank everyone who helped make our Fall Fundraiser a success! The last few moments of the silent auction were filled with various bid wars and we want to congratulate all of those who won! It is because of you that we were able to raise $18,000 for VSS, in addition to $10,000 in donated items. A special congrats goes out to Kendal, our wine basket raffle winner!
We will hopefully see everyone next year on the golf course for our annual Scott Tompkins Memorial Golf Tournament. Check back later for more information come 2021.
Weren't able to attend the auction but would like to support Victim Support Services? You can donate here! All individuals that set-up a monthly recurring donation of $25 or more no later than December 11, 2020 will be mailed a 2021 VSS Pet Calendar.
The Scott Tompkins Memorial Golf Tournament is in honor of a great friend, a stellar detective, and a champion for crime victims. Detective Scott Tompkins succumbed to a sudden illness in September 2018. Scott was a long-serving member of the King County Sheriff’s Office, hired in 1991, and contributed his time to Victim Support Services as a board member for seven years. Scott inspired others by bringing suspects to justice and providing closure to many families.
He loved golf and was an integral part of our golf tournament fundraiser each year, working to plan it and register new players, which benefit crime victim services in our state. It will never be the same without our beloved friend there golfing, and we plan to keep his memory alive, always. It is our honor to recognize his dedication and commitment to the community though this golf tournament.