Beyond the Bullet – Book Review
In our ongoing search to find books that may be helpful to victims and survivors in their journey, we have come across many. Some have been on our shelves for years, the tried and true, and others are new and cutting edge. Today, I want to share with you a tried and true book. It is a book that I have reread many times. Not an easy read by any means but truly an impactful one.
In 1999, Heidi Yewman was profoundly affected by the killings at Columbine High School. In the ensuing years she became more involved in the anti-gun violence movement. She also had a yearning to learn about the people whose lives had been forever changed by gun violence.
In her book, Beyond the Bullet, Heidi has introduced us to the voices of those who have been intimately affected by gun violence and to share with all of us the pain, anger and mostly the emotional roller coaster ride of emotions. The stories are true, told by those who hold the pain so closely. They are told in short narratives, the author using each person’s words as they share their personal story.
For the many victim/survivors whose pain we have encountered and the desire they hold to know if what they are feeling is “typical”, this book could be for you. Hearing others journey, whether it be recent or years down the road, is a request we often hear. It may help to hear that you are not alone, “crazy”, depressed, and needing to get on with your life from those who have traveled a journey that may be similar to yours.
The author, Heidi Yewman, has been gracious in donating the sale of this book to our organization, Victim Support Services, formerly known as Families & Friends of Violent Crime Victims.
We will periodically do book reviews however if you would ever like a suggestion for a tried and True or newer book please do not hesitate to contact us.