History of National Night Out
Written By: Janet Quiroga, Hotline Coordinator

National Night Out is an annual event where communities across the country connect with law enforcement. The focus of National Night Out is to get neighborhoods actively involved in preventing crime in their community. Here is how NNO all got started:
“National Night Out was introduced in August of 1984 through an already established network of law enforcement agencies, neighborhood watch groups, civic groups, state and regional crime prevention associations and volunteers across the nation. The first annual National Night Out involved 2.5 million neighbors across 400 communities in 23 states. National Night Out grew to become a celebration beyond just front porch vigils and symbolic efforts amongst neighbors to send a message of neighborhood camaraderie. Neighborhoods across the nation began to host block parties, festivals, parades, cookouts and various other community events with safety demonstrations, seminars, youth events, visits from emergency personnel, exhibits and more.”
-Matt https://natw.org/about/
At National Night Out, you will be able to visit tables for various community organizations and interact with your local first responders. Victim Support Services will be attending some of the NNO Events, so check with our flyer to learn more information!