GiveBIG 2015


On May 5, 2015 from midnight to midnight (Pacific Time), The Seattle Foundation will host its fifth annual GiveBIG.  For very donation made on on Tuesday, May 5th, The Seattle donation will add matching funds to help make the most of your donation.  This year’s theme is GIVEBIG 2015 – DAY OF CHAMPIONS.
If Victim Support Services raises at least $100 in donations we are then eligible to a receive a portion of a “Stretch pool” (partial matching funds).  The final amount of the stretch pool and the proportion of funds Victim Support Services receives will not be determined until May 5th.  The Seattle Foundation will “stretch” all donations up to $2,500 per donor, per organization.  All individuals who donate will receive a tax receipt via email after a donation is made.
Click here to find out more information and to help victims of crime by donating to VSS on May 5th!
Help us by spreading the word!  We rely on our donors to continue advocating for people who have been victimized in our community.